
Today's leaders and managers face multiple challenges in the workplace.  Our clients tell us that workload issues, work-related anxiety and digital skills always feature as top areas for improvement in employee surveys.   

We all need to be "fit for modern working". 

Our WorkingSm@rt® Foundation programme is the right place to start, helping you to take control of your workload and competing priorities.  

Current Challenges

  • Merged life and work meaning higher distractions
  • High volumes of email and comms from multiple apps
  • A need to stay connected but over communicating with less effect
  • Struggling to prioritise work
  • Poor well-being due to work related anxiety
  • Technology is not optimised – we need to upskill
  • Feeling overwhelmed but disengaged and unmotivated
  • Poor productivity

What is the Impact WorkingSm@rt® has on Productivity & Well-Being?

In June 2022, 37 000 individuals from over 2700 companies around the world completed the WorkingSm@rt® effectiveness questionnaire.

When asked ‘How much time have you gained as a result of the programme?’, the average of all respondents was 54 minutes per day per person. So, if you have a team of 10, you are producing another 5 days of productivity for the team each week. Are you really treating business productivity as the very expensive and scarce resource that it is?


In a recent survey, 97% of our clients said WorkingSm@rt® has reduced their work-related anxieties and improved their positive mindset and wellbeing. 

95% said they would definitely recommend WorkingSm@rt® to those who want to feel more in control of their work and life. 


Sustainable Change
Through coaching and feedback, we have also seen further impact, including:

  • cultural, behavioural and leadership changes
  • reduced business procrastination
  • timely delivery of results and business goals
  • better organisation
  • improved digital skills
  • more effective information management
  • improved teamwork and collaboration
  • personal tightness and discipline

More about WorkingSm@rt with Outlook

Download an in-depth synopsis of the course, see our evaluation results, or read some short case studies.